Scientists from the University of Hong Kong, the famines, wars and political instability are the results of climate change.
According to German news agency DPA that the scientists had reached the world under the supervision of David Chang to this conclusion after studying the causes of social crises in the era before the Industrial Revolution in the Northern Hemisphere.
Scientists believe the results of their study, published today in the journal Proceedings of the American Academy of Sciences that the drop in temperature of the climate leads to a decline of agricultural crops and high food prices leads later to famines, wars and other crises.
The researchers studied the evolution of climate in the period between 1500 and 1800 and linked the climate of this period, changes in social, economic, demographic and agricultural economy Among the phenomena that have focused in this period, the size of the crop and the outbreak of epidemics, wars and social unrest, as spotted by the presence of two phases warmer climate, one in the period from 1500 to the year 1559 and the other in the period in 1661 until the year 1800 and then phase in the cooler period in 1560 until 1660.
The study shows that, in principle, possible to link all the differences observed by their studies and fluctuations in climate in this period where the fluctuation of climate initially to a change in agricultural productivity and what it means from the change of per capita food and then there social changes after a period ranging from 5 to 30 years.
The researchers found that the crisis occurred due to the decline in the time of Ithmaar cold periods which led to a decline in crop continues to increase the number of population at the same time and with the increasing demand for food commodities and falling supply.
Furthermore, scientists reported that the cold period in Europe the end of the sixteenth century led to the decline in average length of the people there by 2 cm and no longer the first people to their height only after the rise in temperature after the air in 1650 after the increase in per capita food.
The study confirmed that the number of wars increased in the colder period by 41 percent as well as the number of injuries and epidemics of plague in the same period.
And expanded the researchers period covered by the study and linked data between the temperature in the past thousand years, and between times of prosperity and years lean in Europe, make sure you have a relationship between climate and the social and political crises, where the climate was cold in the period in 1212 even in 1381, for example, is known as a period crises in the late medieval period when temperatures were above average in the late Renaissance of the fourteenth century to the beginning of the sixteenth century or during the Age of Enlightenment in the late seventeenth century and the eighteenth century.
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