
Sunday, October 9, 2011

Risks of air pollution on human health

Dr Majd

Statistics show a recent interview, "the World Health Organization," a few days ago that two million people die each year from air pollution as a result of inhaling polluted air, gases and Palmalqat or small particles in indoor and outdoor air resulting from air pollution in many of the pollutants and gases invasive and harmful.

It is worth mentioning that the sum of these particles, called "PM10" is a particle with a diameter of 10 micrometers or less, which can access to the lungs and enter the bloodstream, and is able to cause heart disease and lung cancer, asthma and infections of acute respiratory bottom. And have, in some countries, measurements of particles smaller, such as PM2.5, has identified the principles of the World Health Organization air quality guidelines for the annual average which should not be exceeded with respect to those particles which is 20 micrograms per cubic meter, but the data published today shows that the average, in some cities 300 mg / m 3.
Definition of air pollutant harmful to human health:

Is the air that has a solid, liquid or gaseous extraneous quantities lead to the damage directly or indirectly to human health.

Sources of air pollution

Sources of air pollution are divided into two main sources:

Natural sources:
The sources from which no income for a person by a (gas rising from the soil and volcanoes, forest fires and dust storms and wind), and these sources are usually limited and not serious harm.

Abnormal sources:
Which is caused by or caused to occur in the human is more dangerous than the former concern and interest where the components are many and varied and caused an imbalance in the composition of natural air, as well as in the ecological balance.

And has released "World Health Organization" since the days of an unprecedented array of air quality data which show that air pollution was, in many cities, dangerous levels threaten people's health. And that data derived from about 1,100 cities in 91 countries, including the capitals and cities are home to more than 100,000 inhabitants.

The following is a brief mention of the key findings in the new data set:

• the continuing rise in the levels of pollution and harmful gases, fine particles are common in many urban areas. Which arises from the burning of fuel sources, such as power plants and motor vehicles or an old diesel-powered "diesel."

• above-average annual exposure to the vast majority of the population of urban areas for PM10 particles the maximum level recommended in the principles of the World Health Organization guidelines for air quality and the 20 micrograms / m 3. Unfortunately, there is now general, only a few cities that satisfy the values ??contained in the guidelines mentioned.

• It is estimated that the number of premature deaths that could be caused by outdoor air pollution was, in 2008, including more than 1.34 million deaths. Been met, even if the principles of the WHO guidelines at the global level it is possible to prevent around 1.09 million deaths in that year.

The number of de
aths that can be caused by air pollution in cities compared with the estimated increase recorded in 2004 and of 1.15 million deaths. And there is a link between the increase in deaths attributable to air pollution in urban areas between urban and recently recorded increases in the concentrations of air pollution in the urban population.
She said, "Dr. Maria Neira," Director of Public Health and Environment World Health Organization:

 "The air pollution from environmental health issues key and we must make more efforts to reduce the health burden caused. If we monitor and manage the environment properly, we can reduce the number of people suffering from respiratory diseases, heart disease and lung cancer.

It is noticeable, all over the world, that urban air is often thick and has a vapor or smoke saturated with toxins and emitted by the transport mechanisms of old or those running on diesel also contains soot, "air-saturated coal-black" and resulting from heavy machinery, factories, power plants near cities.

In many countries there are no laws governing air quality and there, in the countries where those laws, a significant difference between the national standards and enforcement mechanisms. "

Raise awareness about health risks from air pollution

I have called "the World Health Organization" to raise awareness about health risks of air pollution in metropolitan areas and to tight surveillance by governments and the populations of those cities and not to acquiesce to any activity that damage the air that Istnhqoh, and to implement effective policies and to monitor the situation more closely .

 It is expected to contribute to reducing the annual average of PM10 particles of 70 micrograms / m 3 to 20 micrograms / m 3 in reducing the mortality rate by 15%, which is a great asset in the field of public health. But in places with higher levels of pollution will reduce the annual average of less effective in reducing mortality, but it will also be significant health benefits.

He said, "Dr. Carlos Dora" coordinated interventions for the environments health in the Department of Public Health and Environment at WHO, "The solutions to resolve the problems of outdoor air pollution in cities will be different according to the relative contribution of the sources of pollution, and stage of development, topography communities. Must be for cities to use information contained in the database of the World Health Organization to monitor trends in air pollution so you can identify effective interventions and improved and strengthened. "

Factors that contribute significantly to air pollution:

One of the main factors that contribute to outdoor air pollution in cities, in developed and developing countries alike:

• The motorized means of transport or the old diesel-powered "diesel"

• large and small factories nearby cities and private cement plants.

• burning of waste of all kinds.

• power plants.

• quarries and stone crushers near cities.

• agricultural activity and that the use of pesticides and chemical fertilizers origin.

• Population Activity, which houses the remnants of gaseous substances and solid and liquid.

I have said since the days of "Dr. Michael Krizanowski" head of the WHO Centre for the European Environment and Health, located in the city of Bonn, Germany, including the following:
 "The actions of local and national policies and international agreements are all necessary means to reverse the pollution and reducing the prevalence of health effects on a large scale. And issued from the data from air quality monitoring, we can identify the areas most needed to the procedures in this area and we can also assess the effectiveness of policies and procedures that have been implemented. "

Disposal methods and the prevention of air pollution:

1 - requiring all factories in the (private and public sector) to set up units for filtering and processing Makhlavadtha Oasalbh dust or gas or liquid.

2 - use of unleaded gasoline and fuel oil sulfur-free.

3 - control of all means of transportation, public, and ensure the safety of their engines and burning fuel properly.

4 - remove all plants from the cities and places of residence.

5 - wastewater treatment by modern scientific methods.

6 - the use of clean energy alternative to fossil fuels (coal and fuel oil ..).

7 - use of pesticides and fertilizers with organic source, and not chemical.

8 - control of factories and production activities with older technologies, contaminated and Taattoerha.

9 - Increase wooded areas within cities, which must be not less than 40% of the area of ??the city, in addition to the cultivation of green belts surround it.

10 - not to give any license to a new industrial Aatakid terms of preserving the integrity of human health and the environment.

In conclusion we can say that any air pollution caused by car or any vehicle or any industrial activity, agriculture is of a truth source for the dissemination of poison and death, which would harm no others, but also will damage the Palmspb them and generations, and the environment and all life forms.

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